Thursday, April 14, 2011

Youth Club in Nepal

A youth club or youth social club is a place where young people can meet and enjoy activities such as football, soccer, basketball table tennis, or video games, and other religious, sports activities are frequently sponsored by a community center.
Many youth clubs are set up to provide young people within an area with activities designed to keep youth off the streets, and give them a job and an interest in activity. Some youth clubs can have a particular compelling force, such as music, spiritual/religious guidance and advice or human characteristics such as determination etc.

There are many clubs around the world, in Americas, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa.

In the United Kingdom, Clubs for Young People (formerly known as the National Association of Boys' Clubs) is a national network of over 3,000 voluntary youth clubs, youth groups and projects.

In the United States, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is one of the most popular (or well known) youth clubs.
Similarly in our Nepal there so many Youth clubs but unfortunately only 50% of them are actively engaged in their work. There are many reasons between this inactiveness of the youth clubs. Many youth clubs are organised and used by the politician for their own purpose and to complete their desire for example during votes. Youths are the power hand of the nation. If they want then they can do anything in our society, in our country to change the bad system of our nation-Nepal. So what we have to do is to make a unity between the youths. Which can help our society to develop fast and to control and lessen the many cases of abusement and drug addiction. 

Similarly our Akala Youth Club -Galbubeshi have also its own motto. We are trying to gather our friends and make a unity between all types of cast, religion,language and culture. What we need is a HELPING HAND from many sectors like- Government, NGO's ,INGO's, and many organaisation who work in the welfare of the Youths. Not only this...we also need a great commitment and active involvement of our friends to Complete our mission - creating a Good, Developed, Peaceful and Beautiful Society.

                               President                                             G. Secretary

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