Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chaite Dashain-2068

final match between Mr. Niraj Thapa & Mr. RK Chhetritaking last banana..Photo0673Volleyball...Mr.Binod Grg in Semi Final..focused watch...
child having fun in eating banana..Chaite dashain..Photo0635Photo0629participants of tea drinking competitionPhoto0623
Chaite Dashain-2068, a set on Flickr.

People of Galbubeshi did enjoyed alot in this times Chaite Dashain. AYC had organized several prgrammes like Volleyball Competition, Table Tennis Competition & Fast Eating (Tea & Banana) on the ground of Madishree B.S. Most of the people enjoyed a fast eating competition. This type of eating competition was organized in Galbubeshi for the first time by A.Y.C. People were watching very carefully that who will take all those stuffs quickly in their mouth.
Mr. Ramkrishna Chhetri ate 1 dozens of Banana in less than 1 minutes, Mrs. Sita Neupane ate 6 bananas in less than 35 seconds and Sisir Pariyar drank a very hot cup of tea in less than 10 seconds. In table tennis competition Mr. Niraj Thapa won the game by defeating Mr. Ramkrishna Chhetri by 2 points. And in volleyball competition Group A led by Mr. Hari chandra Hadkhale defeated Group B.
All the winners were awarded by Certificate and Cash Price.