Gender equality and women empowerment is not only the main issue and most important human rights of the latest context. It is the pathway to achieve the millennium development goals and sustainable development of our society and of our nation. Nepal is the country predominated by male in all major roles in the society. Women are only treated as a factory that produce children and they are limited only into household activities. We talk a lot about women issue but still they have no freedom and still
Education status of women in Nepal is very low. Nepal is the poorest country and listed in the third world country.
Due to conservative social structure still most of the women have no access to education and as a result they lack private/government jobs. As consequences, ultimately they should fully depend on their husband to run their family. If women got a chance then they can do anything; as we’ve seen lots of example. So there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. Akala Youth Club (A.Y.C) is providing some sorts of non formal education as awareness building training which is believed to increase the education level and would uplift the living standard of the women of our society. The ‘Women Empowerment Program’ was for three weeks. This program was especially focused for the three women groups of Galbubeshi:
1) Nava-Adarsha Aama Samuha-1st Week ( Total participant=70)
2) Akala Aama Samuha-2nd Week (Total participant=45)
3) Galbubeshi Aama Samuha-3rd Week ( Total Participant=48)
The main focus of the Women Empowerment Program was:
→ Stress Management
→ Art of Positive Thinking
→ Role of women in the Family
→ Bringing Harmony in Relationship
→ Balance of Health & Work
→ Time management
→ Voice against Women Violence etc;