Monday, August 20, 2012

Workshop On The Art Of Positive Thinking

Bramhakumar Raju Khadka Giving his speech
Santosh Hdk Receiving Best Expression award 
"I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." This is the wise saying of Thomas Edison.As we know Thomas did revealed the hidden secret of the success and got success in his life. There are many people who kept the positive thoughts in their life and move ahead and success was always with them. Revolving around the same idea that we should always keep positive thoughts with us--
Akala Youth Club (A.Y.C) Organized a three days workshop on "THE ART OF POSITVE THINKING" in coordination with Rajyoga Centre-Damauli from 9th August 2012 to 11th August 2012. Bramhakumar Mr.Raju Khadka hosted the whole workshop as the chief instructor. According to our record around 95 youths took participation in the session.
We know Happiness only comes when we let go of who we think we are, even if we think we are wonderful, if we think we are enlightened, if we think we are wealthy and powerful, noble and truthful, or horrible and demonic, whatever it might be. However we conceive of ourself, it is all a waste of time. So what the participant learn from the session was very important. One of the participant santosh told -"Its amazing that we didn't knew the secret behind the happiness is all our positive thoughts that if created can lead us to be happy." Mandira told-"Thanks to our AYC and Rajyoga Centre for the training, we hope to participate in this types of training in future too. What i learned from this session is to be positive towards life"
The three day workshop completed in very peaceful environment though their was raining outside. This is our second time that we organised this types of training for our youths in this area. All the participant were very happy to participate in this types of training. On the last day every participant told they had changed their view towards life. They all believe that it will really helped them to live, to think & to be positive in their life.
Thanks to Mr. Rishikesh KC for providing us the venue, Rajyoga teams and thanks to all AYC Guys for their Support.