Sunday, April 24, 2011

Youth Leadership Training Focused On Peace Education


Akala Youth Club (A.Y.C)  have orgainized a 2 days Youth Leadership Training about Peace Education from 2068/01/10 to 2068/01/11. Hoste Hainse Child Development Society had Sponsored that training. The training spot was the hall of Tanahun Gyanganga English Boarding School. Our training program was mainly focused for the youths of our club but we have also invited some members of Gyanganga Children Club to participate in the training. The training was given by the President of A.Y.C - Dipak Raj Neupane. The training was very important for our friends. Really, the training ran very smoothly in good environment as we have expected. 
               Our Peace education training was centered on conflict resolution typically focus on the social-behavioural symptoms of conflict, training individuals to resolve inter-personal disputes through techniques of negotiation and (peer) mediation. Learning to manage anger, “fight fair” and improve communication through skills such as listening, turn-taking, identifying needs, and separating facts from emotions, constitute the main elements of that program. Participants are also encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and to brainstorm together on compromises.

In general, approaches of this type aim to “alter beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours…from negative to positive attitudes toward conflict as a basis for preventing violence." As one peer mediation coordinator put it: “Conflict is very natural and normal, but you can’t go through your entire life beating everybody up—you have to learn different ways to resolve conflict”.
                                                   Such training really broadens the mind of youths and is important for everyone. We again expect the positive responses from our friends and our parents. We will always try to make a active involvement of the youths in such training and do something for this Society and Nation. 
                                                                                         Akala Youth Club
                                                                                        General Secretary
                                                                                             Milan Thapa 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Our Mission

              In our Tanahun district,we can see many VDC(village development commitee) and municipality there are so many group of people lets call it society which still lack a well -organized and active youth clubs.In some places we can see that there are youth clubs and they are doing a good job but it seems that they are not successful to achieve their mission of creating a civilized society. Akala Youth Club (A.Y.C) , founded in 2054 B.S.( 1997 A.D.) has carried a mission to make Galbubeshi a good example of well-civilized society. Our struggle to build a good society and unity between youths, is aimed, in the final analysis, at fully satisfying the material and cultural demands of all our people and providing them with a rich and cultured life.
                  In todays modern world with the arrival of western ideas in such as; science,technology,health,transportation,communication,agriculture etc.has benefited us in many ways but beside it has some drawbacks that is ruining our society. We can see many youngsters who are walking on the wrong track. We can see 'smoking' is simple for a teenagers. Many girls are teased in the public places,they are sexually abused and there are no one to hear their voice. So these types of things should be kicked out from our society. So we ( members of  A.Y.C) are trying to stop all of these types of sexual abusement, drug addiction, violence, and bad culture \ thoughts of people of our society by gathering our local youths ( 16-45).  What we need is a full support from all of our friends,parents,Government and Non Government officials.We can simply summarize our mission as following:

1)To inform and advise young people.

2)To  organise training programmes with more emphasis on Environment and Health.

3) To foster initiative and inculcate the sense of responsibility among the youth 

4) To involve youth in the elaboration and implementation of youth programmes  

5) To enhance healthy growth and development of young people

6)  To promote literary, sports, cultural, recreational and social activities

7) To provide opportunities to young people to make good use of leisure time.

8) To enhance Youth Exchange among youth of various regions and cultures for better  understanding,    friendship and for sharing of experiences and knowledge so that they can face them and find necessary solutions.

9) To offer Counselling Services to the youth so that they can better understand their problems and find  necessary solutions.

10) To promote moral and spiritual values to create civic consciousness and patriotism among youth.

11) To develop hidden talents and potentials among the youth.

12) To stop and make aware the youths about the AIDS and Drug, and to teach about their effects on personal health and social norms and values.

13)To make aware about the deforestation  and all types of pollution and their effect on global warming.

                President & G.Secretary 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Youth Club in Nepal

A youth club or youth social club is a place where young people can meet and enjoy activities such as football, soccer, basketball table tennis, or video games, and other religious, sports activities are frequently sponsored by a community center.
Many youth clubs are set up to provide young people within an area with activities designed to keep youth off the streets, and give them a job and an interest in activity. Some youth clubs can have a particular compelling force, such as music, spiritual/religious guidance and advice or human characteristics such as determination etc.

There are many clubs around the world, in Americas, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa.

In the United Kingdom, Clubs for Young People (formerly known as the National Association of Boys' Clubs) is a national network of over 3,000 voluntary youth clubs, youth groups and projects.

In the United States, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is one of the most popular (or well known) youth clubs.
Similarly in our Nepal there so many Youth clubs but unfortunately only 50% of them are actively engaged in their work. There are many reasons between this inactiveness of the youth clubs. Many youth clubs are organised and used by the politician for their own purpose and to complete their desire for example during votes. Youths are the power hand of the nation. If they want then they can do anything in our society, in our country to change the bad system of our nation-Nepal. So what we have to do is to make a unity between the youths. Which can help our society to develop fast and to control and lessen the many cases of abusement and drug addiction. 

Similarly our Akala Youth Club -Galbubeshi have also its own motto. We are trying to gather our friends and make a unity between all types of cast, religion,language and culture. What we need is a HELPING HAND from many sectors like- Government, NGO's ,INGO's, and many organaisation who work in the welfare of the Youths. Not only this...we also need a great commitment and active involvement of our friends to Complete our mission - creating a Good, Developed, Peaceful and Beautiful Society.

                               President                                             G. Secretary


Boys gathering 
A short view of Galbubeshi as seen from the satelite..  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A local person giving his speech during our Tea Program.

Club Commitee member

New Commitee member of Akala Youth Club 
A beautiful view of Galbubeshi as seen from the top of Prem Chautari